Uncovered (151): As I Descended by Robin Talley

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it’s not the only factor in picking up a book, a pretty cover doesn’t hurt. Uncovered is a (semi) weekly post where I show some cover love. Enjoy!

Happy Friday, everyone! I am looking forward to a nice weekend relaxing and getting through some of my TBR pile. I am jealous of everyone who actually gets a summer break. If one of the current presidential candidates advocated for mandatory summer break, I would probably vote for them. :) But anyway, today on Uncovered I am featuring  an upcoming fall release. As I Descended by Robin Talley will be released in September by HarperTeen. It’s a tale of revenge and dark magic as two teens try to take down the queen bee of their school, by any means necessary.

I was drawn to the dreamy and striking cover for this book when I saw it. I am a fan of silhouettes on covers and the forest imagery in the outline gives this cover a dark, mysterious look. It’s hard to see but the tree looks like it might have moss or lichen on it, making me think of warm southern climates or a swamp, which makes me think of ghosts and other dark spirits. I like the color palette as well. Again, it’s very dreamy and reminds me a little bit of fog. You can’t really see exactly what is going on in the image because of it. I like the title font though it does stand out quite a lot in that size and the bold black. I might have preferred something a little more subtle but I do like the font itself.

Overall, this is a really cool cover and I would totally pick it up based on the cover alone. What do you guys think? Leave your thoughts below. :)
