The Final ALA 2012 Recap Post

Originally I was on the fence about going back to ALA on Sunday. But, in the end, I went because there were a bunch of picture book authors that I really wanted to see. My friend also decided to come so I had a carpool buddy. Day started off awesomely with a signing by Jon Klassen. They were selling copies of Extra Yarn (which I already have 2 of) but I brought my copy of I Want My Hat Back. Don’t tell but I kind of have a crush on Jon. :)  
Keep scrolling to see how my ALA Sunday was.
jon klassen

omg i wanted this so bad but they only had this one copy.

the goodies at little brown

micah player, author of chloe, instead.

katie mcgarry signing pushing the limits at harlequin

kady cross signing girl with the clockwork collar
kady had on a fantastic betsey johnson cuff bracelet.

marissa meyer signing my arc of scarlet!!

ruta sepetys signing at penguin

a whole stack of me…jane.

i was so excited to get a copy of me…jane signed by patrick mcdonnell.

lindsey leavitt singing at disney hyperion
sheela chari signs vanished (which has a jon klassen cover!)

autographed picture book haul
My last day at ALA was a whirlwind. It was more mellow than Fri and Sat but still very busy and crowded. I had a wonderful time at my first ALA. For the most part, all of the people I met were awesome. It was so cool hanging out with librarians and book lovers all weekend. Publishing reps were great and I talked to so many of them about their upcoming releases. I met awesome people in line and got lots of books signed. It was really a book lover’s paradise.

Thanks to all of the publishers and other vendors who were there and were so generous. I know a bunch of ravenous book fiends can be a little scary but everyone kept their cool and things ran very smoothly. All the publishers were great but I had a really good time talking to the reps at Sourcebooks, Harper Collins and Penguin especially. Soho press was also really cool and very friendly

I also hung out with some wonderful blogger friends including:

Alethea – Read Now Sleep Later
Kimberly – The Windy Pages
Crystal – Elegantly Bound Books
Nicole – The Reader’s Antidote
Katie – Bookyurt
Aly – Kit Lit Frenzy
Lauren – 365 Days of Reading

I truly would not have had nearly as good a time without my friends to keep me company and keep my place so I could eat and go to the bathroom occasionally. :) I know there’s been a bit of drama about bloggers attending (as there usually is after these events) but I truly felt like most people were extremely polite and respectful. I told publishers that I was a blogger and no one gave me attitude or was weird about it and I really did have a good time just chatting with them. It was the people, not the free books (though those are nice) that really made the event. I met so many wonderful, friendly people who are just as obsessed with books as I am.

This definitely isn’t the type of event I could do too often so it’s probably a good thing that it moves around. I have lots of books to read over the summer now and hope to get started on them soon. Check back on the weekend where I’ll discuss the books I am most excited about reading from my ALA pile. Oh, and I have posted all of my pics into a Facebook album. I tend to take a lot of pictures and I hope you enjoy them. Until next time…