ALA 2012 Recap – Part 2

Welcome back for my Day 2 recap of ALA. I was going to do Sat and Sun in one post but then realized that there were quite a few pics. I don’t want to blow up your computer with loading time so I just split it in two.
Saturday was a long haul day, with us getting the the convention center by 9am for a full day of book madness. There were a of big signings that day and I ended up in a lot of lines. But it was worth it to meet some of my favorite authors. Of course, there were lots of ARCs to be had. Tehereh Mafi was signing ARCs of Unravel Me, but they only had 55 copies. Luckily we were able to snag one the next day. I made some line buddies and hung out with some of my fellow blogging friends. It was quite crazy and I was super exhausted by the end of the day. There was a YALSA happy hour as well as a blogger meetup I was interested in but we couldn’t must the energy and ended up just going home after the hall closed.
the chronicle booth was super nice. i missed out on a copy of the
ganesha picture book sadly but will pick it up when it’s released later this year.

omg the cutest beagle! seamus was at sourcebooks for the signing of
the dog lived (so will i). so cute.

andrew smith signing arcs of passenger

the lovely bloomsbury booth

ahhh! i so wanted girl of nightmares from tor/forge but didn’t get one.

more of the tor/forge booth

candlewick press where i got to see a mock up of
jon klassen’s this is not my hat.

allen say, brian selznick and maggie stiefvater at scholastic

neal shusterman at his simon & schuster signing. i got unwind autographed!

this is the line for the deborah harkess signing

omg they had finished copies for $5! here are my friends laura
and kimberly with their copies of shadow of night.

deb harkness is a total sweetie. here i am fangirling over her.

champagne party at soho press, who were super cool.

blurry pic of laini taylor and her daughter. see the bright pink hair?

That last picture was taken at the very end of the day on Sat as my phone was dying. I was slumped against the back wall trying to rest while my phone charged up just a bit. Thank goodness I found the secret parking corner really close to the stairs. This enabled us to make car drops. I bought and received quite a few books on Sat and I think my arms might have fallen off had we not dropped books off at the car periodically. 
my saturday ya book haul

adult fiction/romance haul

One more picture heavy ALA post to go. Stay tuned for my Sunday recap!