Out and About! (1)

Out and About! is a new meme created by my friend Kimberly over at The Windy Pages. Basically you just show a picture of places you’ve been out and about reading during the week. I love reading outside but I don’t get to do it much. But maybe this will motivate me to make an effort to get outside more. I have a couple of cute parks near me that I have been meaning to check out.
Since I couldn’t really get out this week, I went downstairs to the parking lot by my apt complex. I live right next to this daycare that looks like a little house and they have a couple of benches outside. Technically I don’t think I am supposed to “loiter” or hang out there but it’s literally like 5 steps from my complex. So I sat out there for a bit and read some more of Etiquette & Espionage. I know, I’ve been reading it forever but I did take breaks to read a couple of other books. 
Thanks for checking out this new meme. If you want to participate, head on over to Kimberly’s blog. Out and About! is each Sunday and I hope to see you guys there!
P.S. Die Hard was pretty fun though I liked the last one better. :)