What Does the Bookworm Say?: Thanksgiving Traditions

Hi and welcome to What Does the Bookworm Say?, a feature where I discuss bookish topics with my friends at The Reader’s AntidoteBooks Unbound and The Windy Pages. Each week, we will discuss a new bookish topic. This week’s topic is Thanksgiving traditions/favorite Thanksgiving foods!

Thanksgiving is less than a week away for us American so it’s fitting that this week’s topic is all about Thanksgiving traditions. As you may or may not know, my family does not hail from American originally. My parents are both from Vietnam but we do enjoy partaking in American holidays, Thanksgiving included. We don’t have a lot of Thanksgiving traditions except for getting together with the family. My family is very small so it’s not a huge affair. My brother has a family now, too, so he brings them over. We tend to eat on the earlier side (between 1-pm) and not dinnertime like some families do. This is the way we’ve always done it but it’s actually pretty convenient now that my brother is married because they end up going to his wife’s family’s Thanksgiving celebration later that night for dinner. How he can eat two turkey dinners in one day, I have no idea.

We do a pretty traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and the usual sides. But we also do a few Vietnamese things like eggrolls and egg drop soup. My family doesn’t love sweets but I do so I usually bring a pie or two to round out the meal. After we eat, we usually veg out and watch some bad movies on TV. My brother is also partial to Pawn Stars so sometimes we’ll watch that. That’s about it. We don’t do any of the crazy sales on Thanksgiving. Sometimes I’ll do some shopping on Black Friday but I prefer to keep Thanksgiving day just for family and eating.

That’s what I do on Thanksgiving. Do you have any fun traditions or interesting foods that you eat on Turkey Day? Don’t forget to check out The Reader’s AntidoteBooks Unbound and The Windy Pages to see what their answers are to today’s question.
