What Does the Bookworm Say?: Reading Goals


Hi and welcome to What Does the Bookworm Say?, a feature where I discuss bookish topics with my friends at The Reader’s AntidoteBooks Unbound and The Windy Pages. Each week, we will discuss a new bookish topic. This week’s topic is what are your 2015 reading goals?

This year’s goals are pretty similar to last years. I want to focus my reading a little more so goals do help. This is what I want to aim for in 2015.

1. Read 75 books – This was the same goal I had last year and I hit about 80. This is down from previous years where my goal was 100. I think 75 is a good number for me though because it’s challenging but is still comfortable for me. I have a tendency to fly through books and I want to take a little more time to really savor and enjoy what I am reading instead of just trying to get to the next book.

2. Read what I have – I think this is any book lover’s dilemma. You have all of these great books but new, exciting books are also coming out all the time. I have tons of books that I really want to read that I don’t because I am always moving onto something newer and shinier. I want to make a real effort this year to read the books that I have so that. I am not going to put a hard limit on what I can buy, since that never works for me, but I am going to be much more conscientious about what books I buy. If I really want it, I will see if the local library has it first.

3. Focus on starting series and ending series – I am taking part in the And So It Begins and And So It Ends reading challenges this year. There are so many series I have in my stash but haven’t started and also series that I started, loved, but never got past book one or two. I really want to focus and starting and finishing some of these awesome series.

4. Write more reviews – This is a goal every year and this year is the same. I am a very slow reviewer and I just want to make it a goal to try to review books in a more timely manner. The reading part is easy, it’s the reviewing part that stumps me sometimes. I need to set aside more time each week to focus on writing reviews.

5. Read my older ARCs – This kind of has to do with “read what you have” but specifically refers to my older review books. I have a lot of review books that are months and even (yikes!) years old at this point. I still really want to read them and need to make them a priority.

What are your reading goals for 2015? Don’t forget to check out The Reader’s AntidoteBooks Unbound and The Windy Pages to see what their answers are to today’s question.
