Uncovered (123): Bellman & Black

Bellman & Black

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it’s not the only factor in picking up a book, a pretty cover doesn’t hurt. Uncovered is a weekly post where I show some cover love. Hope you enjoy! 

This week I am featuring Bellman & Black by Diane Setterfield. This cover caught my eye the other day while I was wandering around B&N. I was immediately drawn to to this cover.  The dress is filled out, but it has no head, which is sort of disturbing even though I know it’s a mannequin. I like the crow as well, which is a universal symbol for “This books is going to be creepy.” :) The yellow font really pops against the darker background.  There aren’t a lot of elements on this cover but it all adds up to something that I want to read.

Has anyone read this one yet? I know I’ve seen Setterfield’s name before but I haven’t read any of her books.  I think I’ll try to see if my library has this one because it looks pretty interesting.  :)
