Uncovered (122): Fairest

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it may not be the only factor in what book I pick up, a pretty cover certainly doesn’t hurt. Uncovered is my weekly post where I share some cover love.

Hi and happy Friday! This week’s cover love goes out to Fairest by Marissa Meyer. Fairest is set in the world of Marissa’ Myers’s Lunar Chronicles and is the story of Levana, the creepy and evil queen we all love to hate. I really love how dark and sinister this one is. It has a much creepier vibe than the other covers to the series but it has enough similar elements that it still fits in with the series. If you have read the Lunar Chronicles, you know that Levana always has a glamour on and no one really knows what she actually looks like. I really like how the cover plays off of that by putting a veil over her face. I love the overall creepiness of it with the twisted vines and flames, as well as that scary, sharp crown. Levana’s story is going to be dark, and I can’t wait!

I wish Marissa Meyer came out with a book every year. As it is, I am pretty glad that Fairest is coming in early 2015 or I’d have to wait sooooo long for her next book. Who else is excited about this one?
