Tag: Lunar Chronicles

Review: Winter by Marissa Meyer

Review: Winter by Marissa Meyer

There’s really no way to sum up this epic tome that is the grand finale of The Lunar Chronicles, but I’ll do my best. Fans of TLC will not be disappointed with this one. Yes, it’s over 800 pages long but no words are wasted. Everything that happens in the book happens for a reason and leads up to the breathless conclusion. Meyer really takes her time with this book and crafts a deft narratives that weaves together many different characters and storylines…Read more »

Uncovered (122): Fairest

Uncovered (122): Fairest

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it may not be the only factor in what book I pick up, a pretty cover certainly doesn’t hurt. Uncovered is my weekly post where I share some cover love. Hi and happy Friday! 

Uncovered (80): Cress

Uncovered (80): Cress

I think you guys all know by now how much I love Marissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles. So it may come as no surprise that today’s cover is for Cress, the third book in the Lunar Chronicles series. I like this cover a lot more than