Author: Thuy

Review: Milk Bar Life by Christina Tosi

Review: Milk Bar Life by Christina Tosi

I’ve never been to Milk Bar but have heard wonderful things about the delicious treats that can be found at its NY storefront. As such, I was very excited to receive a copy of Milk Bar Life for review. Milk Bar chef and owner Christina Tosi promises simple, comforting recipes with a nostalgic flair.

The book itself is beautiful. The pages are thick and glossy with beautiful images of the featured recipes. Peppered throughout the book are Tosi’s stories about her connection to the recipes and where the came from. Her personality really comes through and the stories were probably my favorite part of the book.… Read more »

L.A. Comic Con (Comikaze) 2016 Recap

L.A. Comic Con (Comikaze) 2016 Recap

Hi, everyone! I know posts have been scarce lately and I am sorry about that but life is really just crazy at the moment. Even though this is a bit late, I wanted to post my recap of L.A. Comic Con (formerly Comikaze). Comikaze is a comics 

Stacked (158)

Stacked (158)

Hello and welcome to Stacked, a weekly (usually) post where I discuss what books I’ve recently bought, borrowed or received. Well it seems like I haven’t posted a book haul in quite a while. I think that’s mostly because a lot of my book buying has been 

New Poster and Teaser Trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

New Poster and Teaser Trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Have you guys seen? A new poster and teaser trailers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was just released today. Even though the film won’t be released until next year, fans have been chomping at the book for any and all information they can 

Cover Reveal: Managed by Kristen Callihan

Cover Reveal: Managed by Kristen Callihan

Hi, guys. I am super excited today because I get the help reveal the cover to Kristen Callihan’s upcoming VIP series book. If you’ve been around here for a little while you will know that I am a huge Kristen Callihan fan. I’ve been eagerly 

Teaser Trailer: Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events

Teaser Trailer: Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events

A new teaser trailer for the Netflix production of A Series of Unfortunate Events was recently released, and it’s definitely a tease. As you’ll see below, the trailer doesn’t really tell us much about what the series will be like but it’s kind of cool 

Flash Giveaway

Flash Giveaway

Hi, guys! Sorry I’ve been MIA lately but I haven’t had a lot of time to do much blogging recently. I wanted to pop in today with a quick flash giveaway. I’ve had these books hanging out for a while now and it’s time to 

Review: Wild Embrace by Nalini Singh

Review: Wild Embrace by Nalini Singh

Ever since Singh first mentioned the Alaris deep-sea station (I can’t remember when this was), I hoped that she would write a story that gave us a closer look at this unusual setting and its unique occupants. She finally does so in this sweet novella about Stefan, a Psy/TK, and Tazia, a human working on the station. Though Tazia is human, she is a lot like Stefan. Estranged from her family, Tazia lives a very lonely life aboard Alaris. As a Psy and former Arrow, Stefan has learned to keep a tight leash on his emotions. However, when the two end up working together to help rebuild a village, their attraction reaches a breaking point which neither can ignore. … Read more »

Review: Once Upon a Moonlit Night by Elizabeth Hoyt

Review: Once Upon a Moonlit Night by Elizabeth Hoyt

Hippopyta Royle is on the run. With the help of housekeeper Bridget Crumb, she has managed to escape a plot by the Duke of Montgomery to force her into marriage. Unfortunately, Hippolyta is still in danger as the Duke has sent his hounds to find her. Luckily she happens upon a carriage and begs for a lift to the next town. Covered in dirt, leaves, and who knows what else, Hippolyta looks like a homeless cat and not like the heiress that she is. It’s no wonder then that the carriage’s owner and occupant, Matthew Mortimer, doesn’t believe her when she tells him her wild tale. He takes pity on her though and agrees to take her to the next village. As they travel, Hippolyta and Matthew trade barbs that disguise… Read more »

Comic-Con 2016 Recap: Television

Comic-Con 2016 Recap: Television

Hello, dear readers! Well it’s been a couple of weeks since the insanity that is Comic-Con. I feel like it was all kind of a dream still but I am slowly getting back into real life. I had a really good con this year. It