ALA 2012 – A Recap In Pictures (Mostly) – Part 1

I’ve been putting off my recap of ALA for a few days because, well, I needed to recover, and also because I wasn’t really sure where to start. ALA was my first really big book event of this kind and I wasn’t sure to expect. The crowds didn’t worry me too much because I’ve been to Comic Con and, after that, I am pretty much prepared for anything. But I wasn’t sure what to expect from the publishers and authors and the other people I would meet there. Would I get the stink eye because I wasn’t a librarian or even a well known blogger? Happily my fears were for naught because most everyone was super friendly and more than happy to talk books with me. I ran into a lot of people I knew as well, which was a lot of fun. And the books. So. Many. Books. The publishers were very generous and there were lots of book/ARC as well as some books for sale. Most people were very polite and there were few instances (at least that I witnessed) of rude behavior. And I tried really hard to get only titles that I actually wanted to read. Even so, I came home with a lot of books. 
I am too tired at the moment to write too much but here are a bunch of pictures from Friday, the first day of ALA. Tune in again to see what happened on Sat and Sun!
waiting for the exhibit floor to open

oooh i spy shannon messenger 

this is the crowd waiting for the doors

jackson pearce signing fathomless!

i love jackson’s facial expressions. here she is with kimberly.

the little brown booth. they were super nice.

glorious random house wall of books

giant spire of the fire chronicle by john stephens

penguin adult was swamped on day 1. they had tons of galleys on the floor.

mike mullin made me chop a block.
unfortunately i seem to have lost my signed copy of ashen winter. :(

mike mullin with his black belt

rae carson signing girl of fire and thorns. sadly they ran out of crown of embers arcs
but it was still good to see her.

friday book haul (some of these are purchases)

By the time the floor closed on Friday, we all wanted to pass out. It was so much fun and a little crazy. I’ll have more pics and recap-y goodness in my next post. 

Follow Thuy on Twitter @fishgirl182