Manicure Monday (53): Scent of Magic

Hello! Manicure Monday is a weekly feature where I mash up my love of nail polish and reading together to showcase one of my current reads along with a matching manicure. Enjoy! 

I didn’t start any new books this week. My commute was terrible last week and I was just too tired to read much, Luckily I still have a couple of manicures left in the wings from my Maria V. Snyder feature done for the release of her last book. Today I am showing you the manicure I did for Scent of Magic


I wasn’t going to draw the guy or girl from the cover so I decided to focus on the colors and the forest in the background. First, I used one coat of American Apparel The Valley, a beautiful sky blue with a hint of green, on all of my nails. Next I created clouds by using a makeup sponge and Cult Nails Tempest (white), patting it on to create a mottled sky.


I sealed it all with top coat and then went back in with acrylic paint and painted tiny trees on my nails. I wanted to incorporate the yellow from the ribbon on the cover and added yellow accents to the trees.



This was a fun look to do. It matches only subtly but I liked how it turned out. If you haven’t checked out Maria’s books, you really should, because they are pretty great. Hopefully I’ll be back next week with a new manicure. Happy reading!
