Uncovered (99): Archangel’s Shadows

Hi and welcome to Uncovered, a weekly post where I feature one of my current cover loves.

Sorry this post is coming a bit late in the day. This week’s been insane and the last thing I’ve been wanting to do is stare at the computer when I get home.So I am sneaking this post in while on a break from work. This week’s cover love goes to Archangel’s Shadows by Nalini Singh. You know I adore Nalini Singh but her covers can be hit or miss for me. In general I like the covers to the Guild Hunters series more than the Psy-Changeling. This cover was revealed just this week on Dear Author. This is Ashwini and Janvier’s story which I have been dying for. I like the colors on this cover and the fact that both Ashwini and Janvier are both depicted in a way that is similar to how they are described in the books (this is me trying to be PC and say that they’re not white). Ashwini looks pretty badass here and I really, really can’t wait to read this one.

I hope you guys are all have a great Friday. Happy weekend!