Trailer: Crimson Peak

I’m really behind in my trailer game, which is funny because every time I go to the movies (which is almost every week), I have to sit through at least 20 minutes of trailers. I like a good trailer as much as the next person but I wish they would start before the movie showtime or show fewer of them. Anyways, I’ve seen a couple of trailers now for Crimson Peak, the upcoming film by Guillermo del Toro. I must have been hiding under a rock because I had no idea this was even being made until I saw the trailer. This film looks deliciously creepy and visually stunning, as all of his films are. I think most of my friends think this looks too scary to see but I definitely want to watch it.

And here is a featurette for good measure.

Doesn’t it look amazing? Who’s coming with me on opening weekend?
