This Holiday, I Pledge to Give Books

Hi, everyone. As a book lover, I know that a book is a wonderful gift. It’s personal and, if you give the right book, can be a gift that keeps on giving for years to come. That’s why I think the Chronicle Books Give Books campaign is such a great one. For every #GiveBooks tweet, pin, and online signature, they will be donating a book to a child in need through First Books. The goal is to donate 10,000 books by December 15. I’ve been tweeting #GiveBooks as much as possible and hope you’ll help spread the word, too. 
You can tweet the following:

This holiday, I pledge to GiveBooks! Take the @ChronicleBooks @FirstBook pledge at or RT to be counted! #GiveBooks

Click here to take the pledge, and please spread the word! Learn more at: Happy giving!