Stacked (71)

Oh my gosh you guys, this heat wave is never ending. It was seriously over 100 degrees yesterday, which is so not cool. I hope you guys are having better weather where you are or are at least staying out of the heat. This week’s book haul is all ebooks. I have been keeping the spending down though I did put in a wee order at Amazon last week. You will probably see that on next week’s Stacked post. :)

Into The Still Blue by Veronica Rossi – I saw this one on Edelweiss this week and picked it up. Guess that means I should catch up on the series…

Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan (audiobook) – After reading the audiobook review for this one over at The Reading Date, I knew I wanted it in audio. This looks like a really good book and I am excited to start it.

Beautiful Bombshell by Christina Lauren – Novella in the Beautiful Bastard series. The boys go to Vegas before Bennett ties the knot and, of course, shenanigans ensue. I really like this series and this novella is a fun read while I wait for the next full length novel.

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie MacGuire – Gift from K at The Windy Pages. She has been urging me to read it. I want to start it right now but I have a few other books that I need to read before it. I hope it’s good.

Those are my books this week. I am still trying to finish strong on the Endless Summer Read–a-Thon I signed up for. I’ve read one book so far but I am going to try to make some headway in my current book. We’ll see. Hope you are all have a fantastic weekend!