Stacked (158)

Hello and welcome to Stacked, a weekly (usually) post where I discuss what books I’ve recently bought, borrowed or received. Well it seems like I haven’t posted a book haul in quite a while. I think that’s mostly because a lot of my book buying has been digital lately. It’s been kind of a rough month in the U.S. The election was so intense and I think it took a lot out of people. It’s over now and that’s a whole other story, but I feel like it might take me a little while to recover from it. Which is one reason that I’ve really needed some good, escapist fiction lately. So here are a few things I’ve picked up in the last few weeks. I’d also love to hear what you’re reading and loving so please leave a comment below with any recommendations.




Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh – In this installment of the Guild Hunter series, Elena and Raphael must venture to a meeting of all the archangels at a remote location in order to decide what to do with Lijuan’s lands. The hosts of the meeting are the Luminata, a mysterious order of angels who are in search of knowledge and enlightenment. Unfortunately things are not always what they seem and the Luminata may be hiding something sinister. This was came out a couple of weeks ago and I just finished it over the weekend. Elena and Raphael were just what I needed to take my mind off of a tough week.

Managed by Kristen Callihan – This one just showed up in my inbox last night. I am super excited to start this one soon, though. It’s the second book in Callihan’s VIP series and the snippets have been taunting me for months. I don’t think I’ll have time to read this right away but may save it for Thanksgiving when I have some time off.

Etched in Bone – Yaaasssss! So excited that I was approved for an early review copy of the upcoming book in The Others series. I haven’t had a chance to really talk about it but I fell hard and fast for this series recently. If you like urban fantasy, you need to read it! Hoping to get to this one soon.

These are some of the books that have been keeping me company lately. What’s on your nightstand?
