My Name is Crystal and I’m an Addict: Outlander

Hey guys! Crystal here. I haven’t decided if this post is a cry for help or just a chance for me to fangirl over Outlander to anyone who will listen. I don’t know if “My Name is Crystal and I’m an Addict” is going to be a semi-regular thing where I tell you guys what I’m currently obsessed with but I just had to write up this post because I have fallen down an Outlander rabbit hole and I can’t get out (not that I want to either!).



I, like some fans, had read part of the book by Diana Gabeldon and knew about Outlander before talks of the Starz TV show. So of course, I was super excited when the show was being previewed! I watched, loved it and had withdrawals during the little break between part 1 and part 2 of the season. But at least at the end of the season I looked forward to reading the second book, Dragonfly in Amber, before the second season was released. The first half or so of Dragonfly in Amber can be a little slow so I had no problem pacing myself while reading. A chapter here one day and another chapter or two a few days later. But then something happened…..and I LITERALLY COULD NOT STOP READING!!!!!!!!! And now I’m halfway through Voyager (the third book) and I still can’t stop!!!!!! I should have done the dishes last night, but I read. I should have worked on wedding things, but I read. I should have gone to my boot camp workout class, but I read!!!! I cannot get enough of Jamie and Claire!


Outlander 2014


So… is what I’ve been doing to supplement my reading while the show is on break:

1. I bought Season1, Vol. 1 of Outlander on DVD which has the first eight episodes so I can watch them again. Duh! But I also bought it because I found a really awesome podcast called The Scot and the Sassenach produced by StoryWonk. The hosts of the show, Alastair and Lani, dissect every episode and talk about all the little bits and pieces that I might have missed the first two times I watched them. Season 1, Vol. 2 will be released at the end of September on DVD in which watching the episodes and listening to the podcast. In the meantime, that brings me to…..

2. I have found another Outlander podcast literally called The Outlander Podcast and this one is hosted by two Outlander obsessed fans, Summer and Ginger. I really like The Outlander Podcast because they are currently reading through Dragonfly in Amber and doing a podcast episode per chapter. Which is good for me because I just finished Dragonfly in Amber and it’s nice to listen to them pick out all the little things that I missed while reading as fast as I could because I had to know how it ended.

3. I shamelessly stalk. I check both Outlander TV News and the Official Starz Outlander on Twitter daily! I stalk both Sam and Caitriona on Instagram and even though there hasn’t been a release date yet for season 2, as least they’re giving us images of them filming it! If you are a big fan, as I am, and you would like to see some of those images and the beautiful costumes they’ve come up with, you can visit Outlander TV News’ website!

Clearly my addiction and obsession has reached new heights in the past couple weeks. It’s a problem, I know, and the first step is admitting it. But hey, it’s not a bad problem to have! Jamie is all things hot and charming and loyal and totally swoon worthy and certainly has a way with words in both the books and the TV show! At the rate I’m reading, I’ll most likely have all the released books read by the new year! Then I can go back and really savor my favorite parts! Season 2 and 2016 is not all that far away and until then fellow Outlander fans, stay strong, read the books and watch season 1 over and over and over again!
