March 2021 Recap

Look at me, being all timely with my recap this month. I have been on a bit of a blogging bend in the last couple of weeks. It was largely prompted by the NetGalley reading challenge that I signed up for in March. If you haven’t seen that post, you can go back and read it here. I’ll do a little recap of the challenge later on in this post but yes, the challenge really helped me focus and I have been making a real effort on the last two weeks to write some reviews and get them posted. This did not really happen during the last challenge (in September) where I read several of my review books but did not post a single review. I am actually going back to some of those books now and have written a few reviews (which will be posted in the coming weeks). They key for me is to try and write a review right after I’ve read the book, before I have forgotten all of the details. I also try to do them quickly in my Goodreads app and then edit them later. So that is the long explanation on why you’ve actually seen some review from me lately.

The last couple of months have been both eventful and also dreadfully more of the same. I am glad that vaccination for most people seems close here in the U.S. I know that there are still places where vaccines aren’t readily available but I am hoping that that changes soon and that this country will be able to help out with the supply issue once we are able.


As I said, I was participated in a reading challenge last month with my friend Kimberly from The Windy Pages. I had 4 books that I wanted to read and so far I have read 2 1/2. So far I have read Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren, My One and Only Duke by Grace Burrowes, and I am partway into The Saint by Tiffany Reisz. I have only posted the review for My One and Only Duke at this time and you can find it here.

I went on a bit of a Bridgerton re-read after watching the series (which I loved). I didn’t have all of the books in physical form so I ordered a couple more for my collection. I had somehow never reads Hyacinth’s book, It’s In His Kiss, so I did read that and enjoyed it very much. I am also currently listening to Tweet Cute by Emma Lord. It’s been keeping me company this week while I do some spring cleaning of my yarn stash. Now that our challenge is over I think I am going to focus on some of the physical books I have on hand.


Unfortunately I haven’t had a lot of time in 2020 to work on puzzles. I still have a bunch in my collection that I want to do but I just haven’t had the time. I was able to finish one at my mom’s house last month when I came to visit and taker her to her vaccination appointment. The image is by the artist Aimee Stewart who is one of my favorite artists to go to for puzzle images.

I have also been doing a bit of knitting. Not a ton but more than I have been lately. I recently finished a cabled hat for Kimberly’s husband. I had almost forgotten how to read knitting charts and do cables but it came back to me quickly. Right now I am trying to go through all of my yarn to organize it and put everything in plastic bags to protect it from bugs and any random elements that might get to it. I have a lot of yarn so it’s a bit of an undertaking but it’s a good thing. I am also pulling out yarn that I don’t really want any more and am trying to sell it just to make a little bit of my money back. I haven’t started many new projects in 2020 but going through my yarn has definitely given me some inspiration.

Other Life Happenings

March was also my birthday month. It was a weird one this year obviously with the pandemic but also because my birthday last year was pretty much the day that quarantine really started for. So another birthday meant the 1 year anniversary of pandemic for me and I definitely had some mixed feelings about it. That’s not to say that I was totally bummer out. My work sent me a lovely box of Sprinkles cupcakes (I ended up freezing some). And the week after I had a distanced sushi lunch with friends. There’s a really cool place near us that sends their sushi out in pizza pockets which is both novel and efficient.

The weather is getting quite warm here. It does come with longer days so that’s a pro but hot weather is not my favorite. I’ve still been taking lots of walks and things are starting to bloom again (not that they ever go 100% away on SoCal). Below is a small sampling of some of my recent walking sites.

I cannot believe that summer is almost here. It feels like time is crawling by but also that it is going too fast. I feel like that has been especially true during this whole pandemic. I have a feeling that I will be back in the office before the end of the year. I have mixed feelings about this. I definitely miss my friends and colleagues but I’ve gotten used to working from home and frankly, am apprehensive about working in a big building with a bunch of people again even once I have the vaccine. We’re still not sure what the new work schedule will look like but I am hoping it will be some sort of hybrid situation.

Mentally, I have my ups and downs. The first quarter of 2021 was definitely kind of down but I feel like I am on an upswing now. The longer days are helping and I’ve been trying to get outside even more to enjoy the weather before it gets too hot. My mom is fully vaccinated and that was a huge relief. The chance of her getting Covid is much lower though now I worry about her getting beat up while at the store by racist assholes. But that’s a whole other topic.

That’s what is going on with me.. What is on with you? I would love to know how you’re doing or if you’ve read any good books or seen any good movies/tv shows lately. Drop me a comment below and I’ll be sure to respond. Until next time!