2016 Bookish Goals


It’s a new year which means it’s time to make a plan for my 2016 reading goals. I am not a huge stickler when it comes to my reading. I tend to go where my mood takes me. However, I do like to set some goals for myself just to give myself an idea of what I’d like to get accomplished during the year.

1. Read 70 books – Last year my goal was 75 books and I fell a bit short of that number, so I am adjusting to a slightly lower number this year. I’d also like to read some longer books, which will take up more time. I think this is a pretty realistic goal for me and I am really going to try to hit it.

2. Listen to 12 audiobooks – I think one of the reasons I didn’t reach my goal last year was that I did not take advantage of my long commute time as much as I could have for audiobooks. I like to listen to podcasts in the car mostly, but I could easily listen to one audiobook in a week if I wanted to, since I drive so much. So I am going to make it a goal to listen to at least 12 audiobooks this year, which is just 1 a month. That will help me reach my overall reading goal as well. If you don’t already use it, check out your local library’s Overdrive catalog for audiobooks. I have found that Overdrive is a great place to find audiobooks and they’re so easy to download to your phone.

3. Read books I already own – This includes both physical and Kindle books, though I’d like to get more physical books reads so I can get rid of them if I don’t love them. Space is very limited where I live and I would love to read the books I already own. This will also help with the book buying guilt.

4. Finish up series I’ve already started – I am terrible with follow through. I will often start a series, love it, but then not read the other books in the series. This is the year that I actually finish some of them up. A few that I want to tackle are: All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness, Bloodlines by Richelle Mead, Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger and Lux by Jennifer L. Armentrout.

5. Catch up on review books – I know I say this every year but I really do need to focus on review books more. I don’t request very many these days but I need to stay on top of the books that I request and go through a backlist of review titles I still haven’t gotten to.

6. More discussion posts/new content – I have so little time to blog lately and feel that content can definitely get a little stale. Reviews are hard to write and, to tell the truth, I am not even sure how many people read reviews. Discussion posts usually get much more feedback so I’d like to see more of those in the coming year. My co-blogger Crystal has been great for that and I’ve really enjoyed her discussion posts. Hopefully I will be able to do some in the new year as well.

7. Visit blogs/comment more – I used to be pretty good at this but I’ve fallen off lately. I’d like to support my fellow book bloggers and try to visit and comment more regularly.

Those are a few of my bookish goals this year. What are some of your reading goals for 2016?
