What Does the Bookworm Say?: Must Meet Authors


Hi and welcome to What Does the Bookworm Say?, a feature where I discuss bookish topics with my friends at The Reader’s AntidoteBooks Unbound and The Windy Pages. Each week, we will discuss a new bookish topic. This week’s topic is what authors do you most want to meet?

I am going to stick with living authors for this one since it would just get crazy if we could meet authors that aren’t around anymore. I am pretty lucky in the fact that I live in an area where there are a lot of really great author signings and I have been able to meet a lot of my favorite authors. There are a few that I haven’t managed to meet yet though.

1. J.K. Rowling – I mean, come on, how can she not be on the list? I don’t know if she’ll ever do a traditional book signing ever again but one can dream. Or maybe I’ll run into her on the street, in which case I’d probably be too shy to say anything to her.

2. Stephen King – I have only read a couple of King’s books but he seems like he would be a really interesting person to talk to.

3. George R.R. Martin – I think I have seen Martin in passing at Comic Con but have never actually met or spoken to him. He’s another who I just think would be really fun to talk to and he can tell me all about who he’s planning to kill off next. :)

4. Larissa Ione – Ione is the author of some of my favorite paranormal romance books and it would be very cool to hang out with her and ask her where some of her ideas come from.

5. Meljean Brook – I love, love Brook’s steampunk romance Iron Seas series and I would make her sign all of my books and give her a big hug.

6. Bill Willingham – I am a huge fan of Willingham’s Fables series but still haven’t managed to meet him after all these years of going to Comic Con. One day….

7.  Stan Lee – Stan “The Man” Lee! He seems like a guy who would be really funny and would have great stories. I’d love to hear about the hey day of comics and his thoughts on the comics explosion in the media.

8. Mindy Kaling – She’s written one book so I consider her an author, though I guess more people would think of her as an actor/television writer. I think she’s hilarious and I have an imaginary world where we are friends and borrow each other’s clothes a lot (mostly hers because my wardrobe is nothing to write home about).

I feel like a lot of the people on this list are just people that I want to hang out with. If anyone wants to invite me to a dinner party with all of these people, I will totally be there. :) Who’s on your must meet author list? Don’t forget to check out The Reader’s AntidoteBooks Unbound and The Windy Pages to see what their answers are to today’s question.
