What Does the Bookworm Say? Disappointing Books


Hi and welcome to What Does the Bookworm Say?, a feature where we discuss bookish topics with my friends at The Reader’s Antidote and The Windy Pages. Each week, we will discuss a new bookish topic. Sorry this week’s post is a bit late. The weekend just ran away from me and I haven’t had time to format this post until now. This week’s question is: what recent book(s) were you disappointed in?



I think of myself as someone who has high expectation for books. Part of it is because I’ve just read a ton of books and the other part is that I am continually reading in search for that feeling I got from Harry Potter or Outlander or (sigh) even Twilight. I’m always in search for the next book that is just going to blow me away! Throughout this journey, I have been greatly disappointed..ahem…Breaking Dawn and here are some of those books:


The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury. This book was so hyped! And I wanted to read it so bad! I was expecting a rich, dark fantasy world with old kingdoms and kings and princes and a story that reminded me of medieval times. But after 100 pages, literally nothing happened! I just couldn’t do it! I had no idea where the story was going because so far, it had gone nowhere! I’ve noticed that readers either love it or hate it.



The Cure for Dreaming by Cat Winters: Here I am again with my love/hate relationship with YA horror. I was expecting The Cure for Dreaming to be a scary book because the whole atmosphere of it could easily allow scary situations to happen! But the author did not deliver. The story was fine, it just wasn’t what I was looking forward to going into it.



Landline by Rainbow Rowell (unpopular opinion): I LOVE Rainbow Rowell so you know I couldn’t wait to read Landline when it came out! Well…..Landline has one of the most unlikable characters I’ve ever read. I just felt like I was mad at her all the time because she was making bad decisions! I loved the whole concept of the book but it doesn’t hold a candle to Fangirl!





I tend to be pretty easy on books, usually finding a silver lining even when a book isn’t quite as good as I’d hoped. That said, there are definitely times when I’ve been disappointed by books. They usually come in pairs or threes and I always hate it when I hit a bad book patch. Luckily it doesn’t happen too often.


Maplecroft by Cherie Priest: I was really excited to read this fictionalized tale of the Lizzie Borden murders. While creepy, the plot was way too slow and I found that there were too many view points and I never really got attached to any of the characters.



Redshirts by John Scalzi – I really liked Scalzi’s Lock In and was looking forward to this novel that geeky fans everywhere seem to love. Unfortunately I had a hard time connecting with any of the characters in this book and I found the plot slightly confusing.



Don’t forget to check out The Reader’s Antidote and The Windy Pages to see what their answers are to today’s question.