What Does the Bookworm Say?: Booktube


Hi and welcome to a new feature here on Nite Lite called What Does the Bookworm Say? that I am doing with my friends at The Reader’s AntidoteElegantly Bound Books and The Windy Pages. This week’s topic is about Booktube.

If you don’t know, Booktube is a term that’s being used to refer to the growing community of book bloggers that are reviewing and posting via Youtube channels. To tell you the truth, I really don’t know much about Booktube. I know that there are bloggers out there doing their thing on Youtube, but I personally prefer to consume my book reviews the traditional way (reading) rather than watching them. I am not sure why but I lose interest quickly when watching a video review. I also like being able to reference the review or search for online, which you can’t really do with video. That said, I think videos can be good for haul posts or discussion posts. Obviously interviews work well as videos, too.

I don’t really have any favorite Booktube channels because, like I said, I don’t really watch much of it. The only channel I can think of that I watch with any regularity is Renkellyn, who used to blog at 365 of Reading. I don’t know if she still blogs traditionally but I enjoy her videos.

So what do you guys think? Love Booktube or never heard of it? Are there are any Booktubers out there that I need to watch? And be sure to check out what The Reader’s AntidoteElegantly Bound Books and The Windy Pages thought of this topic as well. If you have a topic you’d like us to cover, just leave it in the comments below. Thanks!
