What Does the Bookworm Say?: Book Monogamy


Hi and welcome to a new feature here on Nite Lite called What Does the Bookworm Say? that I am doing with my friends at The Reader’s AntidoteBooks Unbound and The Windy Pages. This week’s topic is book monogamy.  Are you a monogamous reader?

First, let me define what a monogamous reader is. I consider a monogamous reader someone who pretty much reads one book from start to finish before starting another book. I am definitely not a monogamous reader. I generally have anywhere from 2 – 4 books going at once. I usually pick books in different genres at the same time. Say, if I am reading a more serious lit fic book, I will take a break and read a fun romance or urban fantasy book to break it up. I also listen to audiobooks in the car, which isn’t technically reading but it’s also another story that I have going on with my regular books. If I am stalling on a book, reading something helps me reinvigorate my reading mojo.

I don’t have problems keeping track of characters or storylines when I read more than one book at a time. I think it’s because they are usually very different books and it’s easy to keep them separate in my mind. Sometimes I wish I were a more monogamous reader. It feels like you read more/finish more books when you read them one at a time. I don’t think this is actually true but is just what my mind believes.

I’d love to know – are you a monogamous reader or do you like to play the field like I do? Let me know in the comments below. And be sure to check out what The Reader’s AntidoteBooks Unbound and The Windy Pages thought of this topic as well. :)
