Uncovered (74): Best Served Cold

TGIF, everyone! This week really flew by for me. So sorry I haven’t had a review up all week. I am still recovering from Comic-Con and working on those posts and I just haven’t had time to write up a review. I wish I was one of those organized people who had reviews scheduled months ahead, but that’s not me. Hopefully some of my non-review posts are still interesting to you and we should be back to our regular schedule next week.

This week on Uncovered I have a book that I just discovered this week. Best Served Cold is fantasy novel from Joe Abercrombie that looks like it’s full of action. I saw this cover recently on She Wolf Reads (a really great blog you should check out) when She Wolf herself interviewed the cover artist Gene Mollica. It’s a really great interview that I highly recommend reading if you have any interest at all in cover art and fantasy cover art in particular.  I really like this cover because you can tell right away what kind of a book it just by looking at it. The woman is attractive but not in an unbelievable way. I also like that she is holding her sword in a believable manner and isn’t in some awkward pose. Her direct stare tells me that she means business and her bloody sword seconds that notion. The color palette of this cover is also really nice. It reminds me of steel and dust and battles.

The image above is the final cover with text and all that good stuff. However, if you go to She Wolf Reads, you can see the original cover art before the addition of the text. I prefer the full image but both are beautiful and this is a book I would pick up based on the cover alone.

Thanks, Lee, for introducing me to Gene and this cover. This is a great addition to my TBR pile. Happy Friday, everyone!