Uncovered (44): The Madman’s Daughter

Good morning! Today on Stacked, we are featuring the cover to The Madman’s Daughter by Megan Shepherd. This is a historical YA novel coming out in Jan 2013. Even though this one does feature a girl in a dress, it’s not your typical YA cover. It definitely has a Gothic feel to it. The girl’s dress looks fairly plain but broken up with the bright splash of color on her sash. The water looks still but it’s dark and the clouds look ominous. I want to know what she’s doing by the water. Is she going to jump in? Is something coming out? Plus, the title is kind of great and makes me want to read it right now
Is anyone else as intrigued by this cover as I am? The Madman’s Daughter will be released by Balzer + Bray on Jan 29, 2013.