Uncovered (153): The Graces

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it’s not the only factor in picking up a book, a pretty cover doesn’t hurt. Uncovered is a (semi) weekly post where I show some cover love.

I came across the cover to The Graces by Laure Eve just a few days ago and immediately knew that it would be making an appearance here on Uncovered. I love graphic style covers and this one is extremely eye catching. I love all of the fine line work in it. The colors remind me of a Japanese print with the gold and red. The font goes well with the other shapes present on the cover but it’s not so flowery that it is unreadable. The cover has a lot of symbols on it, from astrological signs and lunar symbols to the white flower at the bottom of the page. It all adds up to a gorgeous cover that hints at an intriguing story line. Below is the synopsis from Goodreads:

In The Graces, the first rule of witchcraft states that if you want something badly enough, you can get it . . . no matter who has to pay.

Everyone loves the Graces. Fenrin, Thalia, and Summer Grace are captivating, wealthy, and glamorous. They’ve managed to cast a spell over not just their high school but also their entire town—and they’re rumored to have powerful connections all over the world. If you’re not in love with one of them, you want to be them. Especially River: the loner, new girl at school. She’s different from her peers, who both revere and fear the Grace family. She wants to be a Grace more than anything. And what the Graces don’t know is that River’s presence in town is no accident.

This fabulously addictive fantasy combines sophisticated and haunting prose with a gut-punching twist that readers will be dying to discuss. Perfect for fans of We Were Liars as well as nostalgic classics like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the 1996 movie The Craft, The Graces marks the beginning of a new wave of teen witches.

I am not usually a huge fan of witch stories but this one sounds interesting enough that I want to know more. I also want that pretty cover on my shelf. Have you heard anything about this book? It doesn’t come out until the fall but I am putting in on my wish list now. :)
