Uncovered (140): Ink and Bone

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it’s not the only factor in picking up a book, a pretty cover doesn’t hurt. Uncovered is a weekly post where I show some cover love. Enjoy!

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s been a busy and stressful week here at Nite Lite. Car shopping is not my idea of a good time but it must be done. It also helps that I have some amazing friends who have been very supportive and have talked me off the ledge more than once this week. But I digress…

This week’s book cover love goes out to Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine. It already wins in principle because it’s part of a new series about a library. As a book lover, if you give me a library or bookstore as part of the plot then you have my attention. This cover gives off a very dark and mysterious vibe. The books on the bottom portion tie it into The Great Library but the dark, swirling shadows above hint at something sinister going on. I like how the shadows also look like ink blotches, tying it back in with the book theme. I also really like how the shadows at the top of the book form two lions/creepy creatures. It looks like a book I might find in the bowels of a old library with the weathered effect and embellished font. I have a feeling that this cover is going to be even better in person, too.

Ink and Bone is a win for me. Anyone else intrigued by this cover?
