Uncovered (129): In Case of Emergency

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it’s not the only factor in picking up a book, a pretty cover doesn’t hurt. Uncovered is a weekly post where I show some cover love. Hope you enjoy!

Hello and happy Friday! Today’s Uncovered pick a book that I saw while shopping at Vroman’s last week. From the description, this is a contemporary fiction novel about an EMT who is trying to deal with the things that she sees daily as an EMT. As you can see, the cover ties into the plot because it features a beating heart and lots of veins. This image doesn’t quite capture the real cover though. In person, the red is actually more of a hot pink and the light blue is brighter. It makes for a very bright and high contrast cover. Below is a not so great picture of the book in the store. But you can more easily see the difference in color.


It just caught my eye on the shelf. The heart is a little creepy because it looks like the veins are going to wrap around you. The bright, cheery color makes me want to read it though.

Has anyone else seen this one yet? Has anyone read it? This is a new to me author so I am unfamiliar with her work but I may check this book out the next time I come across it.
