Uncovered (120): 100 Sideways Miles

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it’s certainly not the only factor in choosing a book, a good cover can definitely play a role on what you read. Uncovered is a weekly post featuring one of my current cover loves.

Today’s cover love goes out to 100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith. I swear, Andrew Smith gets the best covers. I can’t think of any of his books that don’t have a pretty fantastic cover. I prefer illustrated covers but this one is just so unusual and striking. First, I love how bright the blue is. It’s a great backdrop for the rich auburn brown of the horse. And then we have the horse itself, upside and just floating. It begs the question – what is the horse doing? Is it stuck? I kind of imagine that it’s on a trampoline and is just doing a backflip. It’s trippy and strange but still cool. It reminds me of something I might see in a Wes Anderson movie. I have no idea what the horse has to do with the plot but this cover makes me want to read it to find out.
Anyone else love this cover?