Uncovered (109): A Thousand Pieces of You


Hello and welcome to Uncovered, a weekly post where I wax poetic about a cover that I think is beautiful. Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover?Hi, guys! Happy Friday! I am looking forward to the upcoming long weekend. This week’s cover was a special request by Alethea. She picked A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray, which I agree is a freakin’ gorgeous cover. I love everything about this cover. Mirrored image covers are pretty popular right now and I like how they’ve used it here to juxtapose two very different landscapes. The sleek, modern high rises are a stark contrast to the ornate and colorful palaces of the bottom image. I like how the colors used also match each landscape, with cool blues and greys for the more modern city and bright oranges, pinks and purples less modern city. I really like watercolors as well and they are used to great effect here. This book is about different dimensions and worlds, which I think you get from the cover.

Overall, extremely excited about this one. I may have to place a pre-order for it. Let me know what you think of A Thousand Pieces of You in the comments below. :)