Uncovered (101): Prudence

We all know you can’t judge a book by its cover. However, a good cover can be the deciding factor in picking up an unknown author for me. Uncovered is a weekly post where I share some of my favorite book covers. 
Hello again! Yay for Friday. Fort his week’s Uncovered post I have a book that I am very excited about. The cover gods have been very kind to Gail Carriger and I’ve pretty much liked or loved every book cover she’s put out. The cover to Prudence, Carriger’s new Soulless spin-off series is no exception. Like most of her covers, this one has a very modern steampunk vibe. I love the styling on this. The dress is great and I love the makeup (note to self to find that lipstick). I like the little steampunk touches like the gears on her hat and the hears around the title font. The colors are bright and rich and really catch the eye. I also like that there’s a continuity in the styling for all of Carriger’s covers. No mismatched covers here. 
Another great cover from Gail Carriger and one that I can’t wait to see in person. What do you think? Love it or leave it? Let me know in the comments below. Have a good weekend!