Uncovered (100): Maplecroft

Hello and welcome to Uncovered, a weekly post where I wax poetic about one of my current cover loves. Enjoy!

Happy Friday, all! Lots of exclamation point today. I am so happy it’s Friday. I have had so much work this week and I took a day off for my birthday in the middle of the week, which kind of threw my schedule off. This week’s cover squee comes from author Cherie Priest and is for her new book Maplecroft. Look at this gorgeousness. Love everything about it from the styling and colors to the font. It’s definitely got taht creepy, pretty vibe that I am a fan of and it’s about the Lizzie Borden murders, which is super fascinating to me. Tor did a blog post about the making of the cover, which you can read here as well. Is anyone else as excited about this as I am? I just went and pre-ordered a copy after writing this so I do not forget about it.

Hope you all enjoyed today’s cover. Is anyone else seeing or has already seen the Veronica Mars movie this weekend? I saw a very early test screening of it but plan on checking it out this weekend in theaters. Happy weekend, everyone!