Things I’ve Been Loving Lately
Hello! Wow, I made a draft of this post a few months ago and never published it. So even though it’s a little late, I am going to post it now. If you’ve seen/listened to any of these, let me know. There are about a million shows and movies I need to catch up on but these are a few that I have really been loving lately.

I really liked “The Gentlemen” film and was excited to see that they were coming out with a series, though I wasn’t sure what to expect from it. The series expands on the world set up in the film but takes it to a whole new level. We get a new cast of complicated characters, including an utterly charming Theo James. Each episode was a surprise in the most delightful way. I loved it and hope that they make a season 2.

I am bummed that “The Fall Guy” seems to have come and gone so quickly. I thought it was funny and sweet, all amidst amazing action sequences. It’s a love letter to Hollywood and stunt work. Blunt and Gosling have fantastic chemistry and I had a blast watching them together. Sadly, it didn’t do very well and went to home video pretty quickly. That means that you can buy/rent it now though, so I’d recommend checking it out.

I’ve been on a break from true crime podcasts for the last couple of years. Like many, I was consuming them at a high rate before the pandemic and during it. However, I found myself less inclined towards those themes in the last couple of years and have been really into interview/rewatch typo podcasts lately. They’re fun to listen to and are great for commuting (sadly yes we are back in the office almost full time). My favorite type of interview podcasts are usually ones where a celebrity is interviewing other people in entertainment (e.g. actors, writers, directors, etc.). My all-time fave is “The Office Ladies” featuring Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer from “The Office.” They go deep into each episode with really interesting insights and also fun interviews from time to time.
I have also been enjoying “Inside of You” which is hosted by “Smallville” actor Michael Rosenbaum. He interviews actors, directors, and other entertainment folk. I like that he does interviews with newer, younger actors but he also features a lot of people from the 80’s and 90’s.
One of my favorite shows ever is “Psych” and there’s a re-watch podcast with 2 of the stars called “The Psychologists Are In.” The podcast itself is bit chaotic for me and not as well organized as “The Office Ladies.” However, I love the show so much and will pop in to listen, especially when they have guests on.
Those are some of the things I’ve been into lately. Is there anything you’re loving that I need to put on my list? Let me know!