
Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends. Even though Thanksgiving is a very American holiday, I like to think of it just as a day to remind myself to give thanks for all of the wonderful people in my life.  
It’s been a crazy year. I can’t believe that this blog is already over a year old (yay!). I wasn’t sure if I could stick with it originally but, even though there are challenges and it’s a lot of work, it’s been extremely rewarding. I love being a part of this wonderful and imperfect community of book lovers. I am thankful for all of the new friends I’ve made this year (you know who you are) as well as those whose continued friendship makes my life richer and more fun (you also know who you are). 
Thanks to everyone who visits the blog and another thanks if you’ve ever left a comment. I know we all have busy lives and I really appreciate anyone who takes the time out of their day to visit. 
I hope everyone has a safe and yummy holiday. I plan on stuffing my face with stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pie (not all at once) and getting my fill of gingerbread lattes. I will leave you all with a scene from Home For The Holidays, probably my most favorite Thanksgiving movie (are there any other Thanksgiving movies even?). 

Happy Thanksgiving!