Summer Update

parking lot sunset

Hi, everyone! It’s been a little while since my last post. How the heck is it July already? This year is seriously going by so fast. I wanted to pop in today with just some random updates on what I’ve been doing and reading lately. I hope to be back with more reviews soon. I have some written already, but they take a minute to format and I just haven’t had the time to do it. I think I will be doing another NetGalley/review book challenge with my friend Kimberly from The Windy Pages next month which will hopefully jump start some review reading for me.

We just had the 4th of July holiday this past weekend in the U.S. I am not usually one to do much on the 4th but I was able to visit my mom for a bit. We’re all fully vaccinated now but still being super cautious about where we go and who we see. However, big news in my family though is that my brother and his family got a puppy! If you know me, you know I am totally obsessed with animals, especially dogs. I don’t have any myself and am one of those creepy people who will sidle up to a dog when I see them or find the pets to hang out with during a house party. I digress though. I think you’re here for the pictures.

Clearly, I am obsessed with this dog. He is a rescue and they know that his mother was a German Shephard but they aren’t sure about his father. They think he will grow to be around 60 lbs. He is so floppy and super sweet and I cannot wait to watch him grow.

I have been in a little bit of a reading slump for the last couple of months. I am not sure why but it is just taking me a really long time to finish books lately. It’s probably just pandemic malaise but it’s super annoying. I have all these stacks of books I want to read but so little motivation. I still did manage to finish a few things though.

That middle pic is actually what I am reading now. I haven’t finished either of them but so far, so good. I am a big fan of The Hot Zone by Richard Preston and Crisis in the Red Zone is his follow up. It’s about the Ebola virus. I’ve had the book since last year but put it off because it was a little too close to what was going on. It’s still super terrifying even now but is such a compelling read.

The standout in this stack so far is definitely How Lucky by Will Leitch. It was recommended to me by my friend Kimberly and it was a fast, funny, and suspenseful read featuring a really unique protagonist. If you like mysterious and characters with original voice, then I would highly recommend it. Even if you don’t like those things, give it a try and it might change your mind.

I haven’t been watching much lately, either. Lately my attention span has been really non-existent so I find myself putting on Bob’s Burgers or Prodigal Son over and over again. Also, RIP to Prodigal Son. I am so bummed that it was not renewed for another season. Still holding out hope that someone pick it up but there’s been no news yet so I don’t know how likely that is. I was able to get to a theater though last month. While I am still somewhat wary of going to see a movie with a bunch of people, my friend and I rented out a whole theater for a private screening of A Quiet Place Part 2.

A Quiet Place Part 2
property of Paramount Pictures

Man, I miss going to the movies so much and it was so awesome to be able to see a movie in a theater again. This is the kind of movie that also really benefits from a theater experience. I loved it and thought it was just as good as the first film. It definitely had more action (and more talking) than the first one and really just furthered the storyline of this family and the world building. It also has Cillian Murphy in it, whom I love. I was glad I got to see this one in the theater and will probably watch it again once it hits Paramount+ (it’s out now!).

I’ve still been puzzling in my free time. My knitting mojo is still a bit low so puzzles have been a nice distraction. I can put on a podcast or audiobook and just zone out for a bit while I put together a colorful image. Below are two that I fished recently.

Even though it’s getting crazy hot in SoCal, I still try to go out on my walks. I am going to miss them once I have to start going back into the office though I hope I’ll still be able to do them after work occasionally. They clouds have been super awesome lately.

That’s all the news I have for now. It’s a bit strange that another summer is going by without Comic-Con. I do hope that things will be better next year so that it feels safe to go to events like that again. I know I miss hanging out with my con peeps and just people in general (though I still don’t want to be in a tight space with a bunch of people).

Let me know what you guys have been up to in the comments below. Are you back in the office or still working from home? Have you been going out to places or are you like me and still not going out much? And of course, what are you reading? Until next time!