Stacked (40)

Hello! Welcome to another week of Stacked, where I share what books (and sometimes other things) that I have received during the week.
Sooo I was being really good last week, but then made the mistake of checking out Edelweiss. Man there were are so many awesome books coming out! I didn’t go too crazy but I did put in requests for a few. I’ve already been denied for a couple (*sob*) but I was approved for a couple of books that I’ve been dying to read. Wanna see what I got? 
West of Want by Laura Kaye – I have heard good things about this paranormal romance series and picked up a copy at the library this week.

The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After by Julia Quinn – I am a really big fan of Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series and was so excited to hear that she was coming out with a book of second epilogues for her characters. Thank you, Avon, for this one.

Dead Man’s Dead by Jocelynn Drake – Another one I am super excited about. I really liked the first book in The Asylum Tales series, Angel’s Ink. I am really happy that I was approved for this. Thank you, Harper Voyager. 
That wasn’t so bad, was it? A pretty modest haul, but these are books that I am really excited to read. I have a bunch of review books I need to read for an upcoming author event so, unfortunately, I won’t be getting to these right away. But I am still very happy to have them. If you have a book haul post, link up in the comments and I’ll check it out. Hope you’re all having a great weekend!