Stacked (146)

Hello and welcome to Stacked, a weekly (usually) post where I discuss what books I’ve recently bought, borrowed or received.

It’s been quite a while since my last Stacked post. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that I haven’t been buying books, just that I haven’t had much time to post them. I haven’t been in much of a reading mood lately and have instead been re-reading the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. In the last week I’ve read the first four books of the series. I feel like my reading mojo might be coming back a little and may switch to a new book later this week. Sometimes you just have to read what your heart tells you to. I am really behind in review books but I will be doing an informal challenge between some blogging friends in July to see who can read and review the most review books, and I am hoping that it’ll motivate me to get to some of my languishing ARCs.

For Review


When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare – This is the 3rd book in Dare’s Castles Ever After series. I can’t resist a man in a kilt and am a fan of this series. This is about a young woman who makes up a Scottish sweetheart only to have him show up in the flesh years later.




Lying Out Loud by Kody Keplinger – I don’t know if this is still on sale but it was a Kindle deal for only $2.99 earlier this week. This is about a girl who has a bit of a lying problem that ends up with her falling for a guy who thinks she’s her best friend. I am a fan of Keplinger’s contemporary YA novels. This seems like it’ll be a fun summer read.

I know I have bought more books than this over the past few weeks but I can’t remember what right now. You know it’s bad when you can’t even remember what books you’ve already bought. Who else is guilty of accidentally purchasing a book more than once (guiltily raises hand). I’d love to know what books you’ve added to your library lately so let me know in the comments below.
