Sapphire – Review

Sapphire by Jeffe Kennedy
Publication date: 24 October 2011 by Carina Press
ISBN 10/13: 1426892497 | 9781426892493
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Category: Adult Romance/Erotica
Keywords: Romance, BDSM, erotica
Format: eBook
Source: e-ARC received from Netgalley


A successful executive, M. Taylor Hamilton is on track with her ten-year plan. Too bad her personal life consists of hitting the gym and grocery shopping. Enter the seductive Adam Kirliss. They may have a working relationship, but everything changes at an office party when he handcuffs her to the rail of a yacht.

Taylor writes off the adventure as too much champagne, but when Adam challenges her to a date, she agrees to meet up with him. And follow his rules. They share a night of exquisite intimacy, brimming with both pain and pleasure. But afterward, fearful of losing her heart, Taylor pulls back emotionally.

Adam is determined to prove that she longs for the loss of control he can give her–and the passionate release it provides. How can he make her see that he wants her, and not just her body?


Let me start off this review by saying that I am not that familiar with BDSM. I don’t read too many books about it and know very little about the lifestyle itself. I can’t really comment as to the authenticity of the BDSM relationship and can only share my opinion of the char
acters and story and what I personally felt about it.

The book jumps right into things when Taylor Hamilton, buttoned up businesswoman, finds herself handcuffed to a yacht railing by her colleague Adam Kirliss. Adam’s had his eye on Taylor and he’s ready to make his move (he really is ready because her brings handcuffs onto the yacht). Adam thinks Taylor needs to loosen up and he’s just the right Dominant to do it. After bringing her to a quick orgasm, Adam promises Taylor much more if she’ll agree to see him again. Taylor can’t resist and the next day she shows up at Adam’s house for a weekend of sexual experimentation and maybe something more.

This was definitely a steamy read. If you like your love scenes pretty tame then this isn’t the book for you. Taylor and Adam were both likable characters. Taylor is very buttoned up and rigid and it’s interesting to watch her evolve and realize that she doesn’t always need to be in control. Adam’s sexual dominance allows her break down some of her walls. While I definitely felt like they had a sexual connection, the emotional connection was less developed and I wish the book had been a little bit longer so we could have explored that part of the relationship a little more.

Adam was still a bit of a mystery at the end of the book. I wanted to know more about him and his motivations and I am not sure I really got that. And the scene at the end with Taylor seemed a little implausible to me. Again, I don’t know much about BDSM, but it seems like Taylor got Adam to give up control pretty quickly when their roles were reversed. To me, it seemed like it would have taken them much longer to get to that point.

Overall I enjoyed this brief, sexy look into the BDSM lifestyle. The writing was good, though I would have liked more time for further character development, especially with Adam. I think readers interested in BDSM romances would enjoy getting their feet wet with this novella.

*I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.


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