Manicure Monday (64): Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead


Manicure Monday is a weekly post where I combine my love of reading and nail polish. Each week I’ll feature one of my current reads along with a matching book manicure.Hello! Happy Memorial Day, everyone.

I can’t believe that it’s practically summer already. This year is really flying by. I am grateful to have an extra day off to just recharge. I saw the movie Chef yesterday, which was really funny and cute. Just don’t go on an empty stomach because it will be you want to eat everything. Let’s get in to today’s Manicure Monday! Today I am featuring Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran which is my book club pick for this month.

There is not a lot going on in this cover and this was a pretty easy look to create. I really wanted to find a good color to match the cover and, luckily, OPI Fiercely Fiona was a pretty close match. It’s a weird yellow winged with green shade. I painted on 3 coats of Fiercely Fiona onto all of my nails to get a new, opaque finish.
Next, using acrylic paints and a small brush, I painted the parrot. I painted the body of the parrot on my ring finger and had his tail continue onto my middle finger.
Then, using the black paint, I drew in the banner-type marking that are scattered throughout the cover.
And that’s it! The bird looks a little blob-y in these pics but is a bit clearer in person. Overall this was a simple and fun manicure. I am about a third of the way through this book and it’s just OK so far. I find the main character pretty annoying which is hindering my enjoyment of the book. But it may turn around so I’ll keep reading.
Hope you guys liked today’s look and I’ll see you with another manicure next week!