Manicure Monday (46): Lush

Manicure Monday is a weekly feature that combines my love of nail polish and reading. Each week I’ll show you one of my current reads along with what’s on my nails.

Hello! It’s Monday and I am still fighting off this cold. It’s now moved down into my chest, which is never good, but I think it’s on its way out. This week I am reading Lush (Delicious #3) by Lauren Dane. As you can see below, I am reading and e-copy so I couldn’t pose with the actual book. I tried to pose with the cover on my phone, which is a little awkward but I made it work. :)


I decided to go with a chocolate strawberry theme to go with the strawberries on the cover. I used a base of Seche Signature Red, a really creamy classic red, on my middle and ring fingers. On the other fingers, I used 2 coats of Cult Nails Tempest for a nice, bright white base.


Then, using a thin nail brush I painted red blobs on my pinkie and index finger to make little strawberries. I used acrylic paint for the stems, seeds and  chocolate. I topped everything off with top coat to seal it in and you have a Delicious manicure (see the play on words there?).  :) As you can see, a bit of shrinkage occurred at the tips of my nails and the red can be seen peeking out from the chocolate bits. Oh well.


I wanted to do something a little different on the thumb so I taped off a section and painted it red to mimic the red piping on the chef’s jacket.

I am about halfway through Lush right now and it’s a fun read. They talk about food a lot, which I like.  It’s moving a little bit slow but it’s still cute. We’ll see how the rest of the book goes.

Thanks for checking out Manicure Monday. Hopefully this inspires you to paint your nails, too. If it does, I’d love to see the results. Just link me in the comments below and I’ll come check it out. Thanks and have a wonderful week!
