Manicure Monday (24): Scarlet


Manicure Monday is a weekly feature that combines my love of nail polish and reading. Each week I’ll show you one of my current reads along with what’s on my nails.

Hello, everyone. Thanks for coming by this Monday. I am gearing up for Comic Con this week so you may not see as much of me as usual. I am going to try to schedule some posts for you all but we’ll see how far I get. And I doubt I will have a Manicure Monday for you next week since I won’t get back from San Diego until Sunday night and no no bookish nails will be done during that time. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s see my manicure for this week.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you will know that I started reading Scarlet by Marissa Meyer last week. Yes, I know it’s been out for ages and I even had an ARC. But it’s one of those things where I knew it was going to be great so I put it off for as long as possible because I knew it would make me want the next book. So I read it, and it was AWESOME. I liked it even better than Cinder and I pretty much adored Cinder. Marissa Meyer is going to be at Comic Con and there will be an extremely limited number of Cress ARCs. Please cross your fingers for me. I am really hoping to get one. Sorry – back to the nails.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

The cover to Scarlet is pretty simple and I had to really wrack my head for a bit for a design. In the end I decided to go for a simple waterfall mani (credit to Nailasaurus for inspiring me). I wanted something that would match the colors in the cover but invoke the feeling of movement that I feel this cover has. These colors together also look like flames which I think go well with Scarlet’s hair on the cover of the book and her personality.

Colors used:
  • Essie Silver Bullions (silver)
  • Zoya Sooki (red)
  • random orange Sephora for OPI mini
  • Wet N Wild Black
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
I painted all my nails silver and then, with a very thin nail brush, I brushed thin lines of each color onto my nails, alternating randomly. My nails look nowhere as good as the Nailasaurus but I still like them. What do you guys think of this look?  Thanks, as always for your feedback. Now I have to figure out what nails to do for Comic Con, :) Have a good week!
