Manicure Monday (2): Prodigy

It’s me again, back with Manicure Monday. Manicure Monday is a weekly feature that combines my love of nail polish and reading. Each week I’ll show you one of my current reads along with a matching book manicure.Feedback to last’s week post was pretty positive so I think I’ll keep doing this for a little while. Hopefully you guys enjoy this foray into beauty and books.

This week I am reading Prodigy by Marie Lu. I’ve actually had this ARC since ALA last year but haven’t had a chance to read it until now. Marie is going to be at the Breathless Reads Tour at Mrs. Nelson’s in about a week. I am attending and am in a mad dash to finish as many books as possible by the tour authors before the event. Haha – we’ll see how I do.

On my nails is Butter London’s Scuppered, a shade I believe they put out for the holidays last year. This is a really unique shade (and I have many bottles to compare). It’s a great bronze foil with tiny green hex glitter. So pretty.

Like Legend, the first book in this series, Prodigy has a really cool feature. The parts from one of the character’s POV’s is in colored ink. In Legend it was gold. In Prodigy it’s blue. Awesome, right?

Prodigy by Marie Lu
Couldn’t resist taking one more close up of this fantastic polish and blue text. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Do you enjoy colored text in books or is it too distracting?
