Love Me Blog Tour & Author Interview with Diane Alberts

If you have been reading our blog recently, you know that I (Liv) am a big fan of Diane Alberts.  Recently, I reviewed her latest book LOVE ME (Take a Chance #2) and loved it.  I was thrilled that Diane was able to stop by and answer some questions for our readers here at Read Now Sleep Later/Nite Lite.  Let’s welcome Diane to the blog.

I read somewhere that you have 4 children. That is enough to keep anyone busy. How do you find time to write and where do you like to write? 

I do! They range from the age of 14-4, and they keep me busy, busy, busy! I generally only write during the day, primarily from the hours of 11am-4pm. If I’m on a deadline, then I’ll write all day until they come home from school, but that’s only when needed.

The rest of the day, I’m mommy…or wifey, if the time merits. ;)

And I write at my desk, which is positioned in front of a window in my Dining Room. It’s my mini-office.

Not that long along, I went into one author’s writer space and her whole wall was covered with things that inspired her for her current WIP. Do you like to post pictures and note cards with details about your characters and setting while you are writing? Or are you more high tech and prefer something like Pinterest? 

I actually keep a huge, yes, huge, whiteboard. I make an outline of all the things I need to know. And then on my desk I keep a synopsis next to me, and cross off stuff as I write the book.

Occasionally I’ll look for pictures to give me better idea for my characters, but for the most part, I just go off of my head. ☺

Since I discovered (and fell in love with) the Take a Chance series, I am slowly working my way through all of your books. One of the things I really love about your books is your characters, how do your create your characters and do they ever end up doing something that surprises you? 

That makes me very happy to hear! A lot of the time, I worry my characters will come across as blah, or will be too similar. It’s nice to know they’re not!

But I try to create flawed characters. One of my very first books I wrote, a lot of people said the hero was too perfect. And I looked at him, then realized they were RIGHT. Who wants to read about perfect little people in their perfect little worlds? I try to create real people with real issues—and then do my best to stay true to those characters. My editor helps me a lot with that, thankfully! ☺

It’s almost summer time. Aside from your books (which I would highly suggest to anyone for summer reading), can you name a couple of books that you consider great beach reading?

Oh, any of the Brazen Books from Entangled Publishing. I’m seriously hooked on that line. Can’t wait until mine come out! ~happy dances~

What is the funniest/strangest reaction you have received when you tell someone that you write romance stories/books? 

A lot of the time they kind of look at me and go “O-Oh. I don’t read those, or I’d check them out. But give me your card.” And then you just know half of them are going home and looking it up later. ;)

Thanks Diane for stopping by and answering a few questions! – Liv

Thank you for having me here today. – Diane

Check out Diane’s latest book, LOVE ME:
Thomas Jones has come to Vegas to win yet another account for his marketing company. But when he sits across from beautiful and sensual Brianna Faulk to deliver his pitch, his desire to leave Vegas as quickly as possible is replaced by the need to get close to her. Yet she resists his charm. 

Brianna knows a date with Thomas could jeopardize her job, but he’s so maddening and insistent, she has a hard time denying him just one date. But that’s all it can be: one date. Because she has to protect her job and her secrets, even if it means giving up a chance at a life she never thought she’d have again.

About Diane:
Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling author with Entangled Publishing, Swoon Romance, and Decadent Publishing. She has, as of this date, four books with Entangled Publishing, one book with Swoon Romance, and five older books with Decadent Publishing. Her February release with Entangled Publishing, ON ONE CONDITION, hit #18 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list, and TRY ME hit #76 on Amazon. Her Swoon Romance novella, CAPTIVATED BY YOU, hit #31 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list. Diane is represented by Louise Fury from the L. Perkins Agency.

Where you can find her:

Where to find LOVE ME: GoodReads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes
For more interviews and guest posts check out the Blog Tour for LOVE ME, here.
Diane is giving away a Kindle and a customized LOVE ME cover, if LOVE ME makes it into the Top 100! Click here to read more about the giveaway and enter or just enter the Rafflecopter widget below. 

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