Immortal Rider – Review

Publication date: 01 December 2011 by Grand Central Publishing
ISBN 10/13: 0446574473 | 9780446574471
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Category: Adult Paranormal Romance
Keywords: Paranormal, romance, underworld, apocalypse, Four Horsemen
Format: Mass market paperback, eBook (e-ARC received from Netgalley)

Thuy’s synopsis:

Immortal Rider is the story of Limos, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Sister to the other three Horsemen, Limos (aka Famine) has a pretty carefree existence living on a tropical Hawaiian island when she’s not trying to stop her evil brother Pestilence from destroying the world and protecting her Seal from breaking and causing the Apocalypse. And oh yeah – she’s also betrothed to Satan himself and he’s tired of waiting.

Arik’s a soldier in the R-XR, a paranormal military unit that works with The Aegis and it helping to prevent the Apocalypse. Unfortunately Arik doesn’t know that Limos is engaged when he kisses her and he’s dragged to Hell for his trouble. While Satan’s minions invent new and painful ways to torture Arik, Limos and her brothers try to find him down before Limos’ Seal breaks. But the trouble doesn’t end once Arik escapes. An evil plot to break the Seals and bring Hell on earth escalates and Arik and Limos find themselves in the middle of it.

Thuy’s Review:

This was a hard review to write. I was so excited to get my hot little hands on this. I’ve been waiting for Arik’s story for awhile. He first showed up in Passion Unleashed as Runa’s overprotective and sometimes jerk brother. There was always something about Arik that intrigued me, even though he wasn’t always the most appealing character. I just knew there was more to him than what we were seeing. Unfortunately this book fell somewhat short of my expectations.

The book starts off strong with Arik making a move on Limos and getting pulled into Hell. While there, he is tortured beyond sanity but manages to hold it together and doesn’t betray Limos. I was touched by his show of loyalty in the face of incredible pain for a woman who barely knew. But that’s the type of guy Arik is – extremely loyal and stubborn, often thinking of others before himself. Limos, meanwhile is looking for him. As she does, we learn a lot more about her past and why she is the way she is. As the bride of Satan, she hasn’t had a lot of time for fun in her life and therefore, tries to live life to the fullest. She’s fiercely protective of her family and takes that protectiveness too far sometimes. She’s also a pretty bad ass fighter, which I love. While it doesn’t seem like the serious, solid Arik and the fun loving, party throwing Limos would make a good match, but they are. They both come from troubled backgrounds and have a lot of guilt that they’re trying to get over.

Unfortunately, I felt that it lost steam somewhere in the middle and Limos and Arik’s story became overshadowed by all of the subplots going on – from the Reaver/Harvester story to the Than/Regan storyline (which we’ll get into more in a bit) . Arik and Limos also spend quite a lot of time apart in this book. I don’t blame Arik too much as he was being tortured in hell, but because of the physical distance, I felt that Arik and Limos didn’t get enough time together to develop their relationship. I mean, they don’t even get a real love scene until the very end of the book and the scene that is supposed to be their official “first time” is somewhat heart breaking. Plus, where the heck is Satan? I thought for sure he’d show up at some point to claim Limos or at least try to kill someone, but it never happens.

There’s a lot of emphasis put on the Than/Regan relationship in this one as a setup to the next book. I have mixed feelings about this storyline. On the one hand, I feel that Regan and Than have great chemistry and the sort of love/hate relationship that I love. On the other hand, I find the reason that Regan was sent there to be somewhat distasteful and it’s hard to see how their relationship will work.

I did enjoy all of the cameos by the Sem brothers and the Demonica crew. Cara’s hellhound Hal even makes an appearance. Even though this wasn’t my favorite book, I still enjoyed it. I am definitely invested in the world and characters that Larissa Ione has created and am anxiously awaiting the next installment.

I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.

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