How To Ravish A Rake – Review

Publication date: 01 April 2012 by Forever
ISBN 10/13: 0446565407 | 9780446565400
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Category: Adult Historical Romance
Keywords: Romance, historical, rakes, regency, wallflowers
Format: Mass market paperback, eBook
Source: e-ARC received from NetGalley

Thuy’s synopsis:

How To Ravish A Rake is the story of Amy Hardwick, a shy wallflower who has vowed that this season will be different. This season, she will not longer be shy and tongue tied out in society. This year, she will use her flair for fashion to make a name for herself and come out of her shell. Amy succeeds in all of these things and even manages to catch the eye of Will Darcett, the ton’s most notorious rake. When the two are caught together, Will does the right thing and proposes to Amy. Neither of them expects a love match but agree to the marriage in order to salvage Amy’s reputation.

Thuy’s Review:

How To Ravish A Rake is the third book in Dreiling’s How To series. I haven’t read the other books in the series so I didn’t have any expectations going into this. While I enjoyed Dreiling’s writing, I didn’t like this book as much as I was hoping. The pacing for the first half of the book felt really slow. I almost gave up at one point but kept going and the story finally picked up. I also got a bit tired of Amy’s inner monologue. She kept worrying about the same things over and over again.

Will played the part of a rake well. He was charming and flirtatious and I could see why Amy would be attracted to him. I liked that Amy saw through his schemes and didn’t fall all over him like most women did. The banter between the two was good though I would have like more of it. I did enjoy watching Amy and Will get to know each other during their wedding wager. And there was definitely some chemistry between the two. So while I didn’t love this book, Dreiling is doing something right because I was totally invested in the relationship by the end of the book. I did feel that the story ended rather abruptly though. I really wish there had been an epilogue. 

This book shows promise and, given the chance, I would read another book in the series. Aunt Hester is particularly hilarious and I would love to see more of her.

I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.

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