Highlights from Comic-Con 2014

Hi, everyone! I am back from San Diego. Part of me can’t believe that Comic Con is already over for this year. It was an intense 4.5 days but it was also a ton of fun and I can’t wait to go back next year. I hope to do some more detailed posts about some of the exciting things I saw and heard about at SDCC. However, I am leaving in a few days to go to Atlanta for a baby shower and my blogging time is limited. Before I jetted off again I wanted to post about a few of my favorite panels this year at SDCC. Enjoy!

1. Christopher Nolan / Interstellar

San Diego Comic Con 2014

I wasn’t actually planning to go into Hall H at all this year (the lines are insane) but I had some free time on Thursday and thought I’d give it a go to see if I could get in. Luckily the line was incredibly short and I managed to get in with only about 15 minutes of waiting. Matthew McConaughey came out first to talk a bit about the movie and then he introduced Christopher Nolan as a surprise guest. This was Nolan’s first time at Comic Con (surprisingly) and it was an unexpected treat to see him. Inception is one of my favorite movies and I think he’s an amazing filmmaker and I am excited about anything he does. Unfortunately they are keeping pretty mum about Interstellar and were unable to show any new footage. They did show the trailer though, which looks great. Very excited to see this one in the fall.

2. Brian K Vaughan / Fiona Staples

San Diego Comic Con 2014

This was a Saga heavy weekend for me as I went to each of Vaughan’s and Staples’s individual spotlight panels, the Saga panel, and a signing with both of them. I’ve been a fan of Vaughan’s since Y: The Last Man but only recently started reading Saga (I know, I know. I am a the queen of extremely delayed gratification.) All of the panels were great but I think Vaughan’s spotlight panel was my favorite. He answered questions the whole time and gave a comic book to each person who asked a question. He’s just really smart and funny and I loved listening to him talk. He was really gracious as well and signed books and talked to fans afterwards. We were also lucky enough to get tickets for the Vaughan and Staples signing at Image on Saturday. Both were super friendly and cool and it makes me like the series even more because the creators are so awesome.

3. Strong Female Characters

San Diego Comic Con 2014

One of the panels I went to was the Strong Female Characters panel with June Brigman (Power Pack), Amanda Conner (Power Girl), Colleen Coover (Bandette), Sara Mayhew (Legend of the Ztarr), Jimmy Palmiotti (Painkiller Jane), Fiona Staples (Saga), Paul Tobin (Bandette), and Brian K. Vaughan (Saga), and moderated by Maggie Thompson. This was a really interesting panel with an eclectic roster of panelists. They talked about what makes a character weak or strong to them as well as obstacles they’ve faced writing female characters. There was a lot of intelligent dialogue and I got to know about some writers/artists that I hadn’t heard of before. Also another panel with Vaughan and Staples, who I was apparently stalking this weekend.

4. Archer

I squeaked in for the last half of this panel. It was quite a hike to the Indigo Ballroom but totally worth it. I love this inappropriate and hilarious show. The cast was hilarious, as always. If you haven’t seen this show yet, the first 4 seasons should be streaming on Netflix right now.

That’s my highlight reel for Comic Con thus far. Look out for some giveaways and more SDCC posts in the next week or two. I’m hoping that things will get a little less hectic next week after I’m back from my trip.  Anyone else make it to Comic Con? What was your favorite part? If you didn’t get to go, what panel would you have been most interested in seeing?
