Hello 2017!

Happy New Year, everyone! I probably say this every year (and I mean it every year) but wow, I cannot believe that another year has gone by already. I had a really nice holiday with family, though I did get sick right after Christmas. It was really lingering for a while but this week I feel like I am finally starting to get back on my feet healthwise. I am not a huge fan of resolutions but I do like to set myself some goals at the beginning of the year. Below are some of the things I’d like to keep in mind and do in the upcoming year (and hopefully moving forward).

Read the books I already have – This will include both physical and digital books, though I’d like to concentrate more on physical books. I just need to make more space in my life and physical books take up so much of it. It’s also a bummer that I buy these amazing books and then put them in a pile and forget about them. I am hoping that I’ll be able to get through some of my stacks and find some hidden gems.

De-clutter – This goes a bit with my first goal but basically I’d like to get rid of the things that I no longer use or enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, I am not going full out Marie Kondo or anything, but there are definitely things that I’ve been hanging onto that I’ll never use. They need to be re-homed so that they can be enjoyed. This will also clear out more space in my house which I am excited about.

Knit with yarn from stash – Also similar to my first goal but is about my yarn stash instead of book stash. I don’t talk about it here much, but I am an avid knitter (I even have a knitting podcast with The Windy Pages!) and have a HUGE stash of yarn. While I love buying new yarn, I have an amazing stash of it already that is not being used and I am going to make a real effort this year to work from stash.

Save money – I always think this but never actually do it. Hopefully if I spend less money on yarn and books, I will be able to start saving again. I’d like to have a nest egg to fall back on in case I need it.

Travel more – I haven’t really traveled for pleasure in a really long time. I used to do it quite often but the last 5 years or so, I really haven’t taken time out for myself to stuff like that. I want to start small and maybe just plan something in the U.S. for this year. Possible trips include NYC, Seattle, or Santa Fe.

Those are my big goals for the year. Do you make goals or resolutions? What do you hope to accomplish this year?
