Game for Marriage – Review

Game for Marriage by Karen Erickson
Publication date: 11 January 2013 by Entangled Publishing
ISBN 13: 9781622667970
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N

Category: Adult Contemporary Romance
Keywords: Romance, Sports, Realistic
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased

Synopsis from Goodreads:

He’s going in deep to make her his…

Struggling artist Sheridan Harper never imagined she’d spend a sizzling night with Jared Quinn, the smoking-hot star quarterback of her local professional football team, the San Jose Hawks. And she’s even more shocked when Jared’s publicist offers her a proposition: a fake marriage to keep Jared out of the gossip mags. Being that close to Jared would be too tempting, so to protect her heart, she insists on secretly including a clause forbidding sex between them.

Jared just wants to keep his starting QB job and keep it in San Jose. His reputation as a ladies’ man has landed him in the headlines one too many times, but there’s something about his kind, passionate new wife that tempts him beyond reason. Any sort of intimacy between them is completely forbidden, but as their bodies fall in deep, will their hearts follow suit?


Fake marriage is a common trope used in romance novels which made me wonder if I would like this one or not. However, both Jared Quinn and Sheridan Harper are highly likeable characters, and Erickson’s writing style kept the story interesting. After some initial chemistry and a hot night together, Sheridan gets hit with the proposition of entering into a fake marriage with Quinn to help him save his image and career.

Readers can already anticipate what one of the biggest conflicts will be in this story – what happens when people discover that the marriage is fake?  Additionally, with the pressure of the no sex clause the possibility of exposure becomes all that more of a challenge.  The strength of the story for me was that throughout the story Jared and Sheridan truly have to discover themselves and their feelings for each other.  Initial chemistry is great but can it develop into deeper feelings? Erickson kept the story moving with just the right amount of tension, conflict, hot sexiness, and character development.

Final thoughts on Game For Marriage, this is a sweet romance with great characters, and just the right amount of sexiness. I am eager to see where Erickson takes readers in the second book in this series which I suspect will involve Sheridan’s best friend, Willow and Jared’s teammate, Nick.       

Check out these Bonus Features for Game for Marriage, from Karen Erickson’s blog.

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