Feburary Wrap-Up

Hello! February truly is a short month. Even with the extra leap day this year, February has just flown by. Sorry for the lack of posts in the last couple of weeks. Life has been a little crazy. I got in a pretty big car accident (if you recall I was in one last year as well) and now I’ve caught something like bronchitis. I lost my voice for 3 days or so, which was really strange as I have never lost my voice before. Amidst all of this, I lost a bit of my reading mojo. Mostly I was just too tired to concentrate on reading new books. Instead, I’ve re-read a few favorites and got through my February audiobook.  Things should pick up in March. Hopefully I will get my car back soon and I can beat this nasty illness. In the meantime here are a few things that I have been enjoying this month.

Thanks to Alethea, I am just about caught up with Season 2 of iZombie. I am still loving this quirky police procedural with a zombie spin. The acting and dialogue are great and I love the chemistry between the cast. A and I were discussing how we appreciated all of the varied meals Liv made with her brains. Also, Rahul Kohli (Rav) has the best lines. :)


I am sure I’ve mentioned my love of Bob’s Burgers before but, lately, I’ve been watching the show on repeat. It’s very much a comfort type of show for me and since I haven’t been feeling well, I’ve found myself just putting the show on just in the background whenever I am home. Thank goodness almost all of the seasons are online on Netflix.


I’ve also been reading a lot of historical romances lately. Recently I caught up on Courtney Milan’s Brothers Sinister series. I have also been re-reading some of Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series in anticipation of her upcoming release, Because of Miss Bridgerton. I love the Bridgertons and it’s been a lot of fun revisiting some of the older books in the series that I didn’t remember as well. She will be coming to my area next month as well, and I plan on attending the signing.


I am re-reading the Harry Potter series with Crystal right now (though I think she’s on book 3 already). I just finished Sorcerer’s Stone last night. I have not read this series in years and it’s been fun to go back and read it again. I’d forgotten a lot of the small details. It really makes me want to watch the movies, though I think I will hold out on watching any of them until I read at least the next book.

That’s what I’ve been up to this month. Nothing super exciting but I have lots of book on the TBR this month. I’d love to hear what you’ve been reading and watching this month so let me know in the comments below. Also, happy Leap Year Day!
